Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Intel Concern to Smartphone Processor

Could teenagers can create spectacular works in the field of electrical and mechanical engineering, biochemistry, medicine and medicine, microbiology, physics and astronomy, energy and transportation, mathematics, environmental and many other fields? If you see a lot of teenagers involved in street fights, we are so pesemis and the answer probably is, "where possible".

But in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, on May 14 to 18, adolescents from all over the world, including six high school students from Indonesia, showing off their great work. A total of 1549 students compete in the arena of International Science and Engeneering Fair (ISEF), sponsored or recognized by Intel Intel ISEF. They came from 68 countries, although more than half of the U.S., and is the champion in a local or regional science competition. Envoys from Indonesia such as the three best in the Youth Scientific Contest (LKIR) in 2011 which runs from LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences)

In Pittsburgh - that in the 1990s known as the team olaraga and steel industry, but now transformed to a city of high-tech industry, nuclear engineering and technology biomedical - they show and explain the work of design or creation to the judges in the hope of prize money and scholarships worth a total of 3 million U.S. dollars.

They look casual. There are only short pants with sneakers. Others came to attribute the country. Of Brazil for example, anywhere with a yellow uniform with the inscription "BRASIL" large size in the chest. Participants Indonesia batik shirt.

The jury of this competition, organized by the Society for Science & the Public (SSP), which publishes Science News, is the professional scientists and doctoral degree from their respective fields, including several Nobel laureates. There is even a dialogue session with the speakers that are all Nobel laureates. So you can imagine the credibility of this competition.

Featured works of this very diverse. There is research on earthquake detection, oil spill cleanup, robots that can navigate itself, alternative chemotherapy treatments and much more. A study of students from China for example, using flowers foxglove for the treatment of type 2 diabetes which gives better results than the common drugs used. Three Malaysian students to study on cassava stem core as a heat insulator. Two students from Germany featuring a new formula for eliminating bad breath. A student from Japan showed the generation of electricity from Youghurt. Although diverse, all the work they are divided into 17 categories.

Indonesia Students

Six Indonesian students in this competition exhibit three works. Muhammad Lutfi Nurfakhiri of SMN 1 Bogor, West Java, exhibiting optical sensor measures the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer use in rice. According to Lutfi, who is now a lot of tools on the market Indonesia is generally made in the Philippines but its accuracy is poor because it is dependent on sunlight. There are other tools that are more accurate, made in America, but the price is very expensive, about 1,500 dollars, or approximately USD 13.5 million. Moved to help the farmers in the nearby neighborhood in Bogor, Lutfi and designing measuring instruments, which he said, had good accuracy and cost when mass produced only about Rp 800,000.

Aulia Azka Januartika, Anas Nurrochman Mufid, and Amelia Nugrahanigrum of SMAN 1 Yogyakarta exhibited dam-breaking design of cold lava. They observed the retaining dam cold lava of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta region and found that the existing dam to be ineffective and difficult for the miners when the sand and stone collectors take lava material. They then designed a model of the dam which is no longer square but triangular berbetuk can separate from the lava rock and sand, so then it could easily take to be used. "We see the dam that is now a pile of stones and sand. When the miners want to take the sand they have to filter it again," said Amelia.

While Efa Fazriyah Haryono and Marwah Zairah of SMAN I Malimping, Banten anti-termite crushed paper from rice straw with the addition of soursop leaf.

The youth is indeed showing the works near or into the area or offer a solution for their neighborhood. Two teen Jordan for example, using the salt from the Dead Sea to store solar heat during the day, then make it as an electric power at night. One young Saudi Arabia explores herbal treatment for dengue fever, a problem that often arises in the country after the floods.


The winners in 17 categories of competition will compete for E Gordon Moore received an award valued at U.S. $ 75 000. Two runners-up will each receive the Intel Foundation Young Scientists Award, $ 50,000 each. Three finalists will receive Dudley R Herschbach Pengh SIYSS Award -
a free trip to the Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar which will include attendance at the Nobel Prize ceremonies in Sweden. Other prizes, a special hadianh 600 categories, ranging in value from 500 to 5,000 dollars. Last year a representative from Indonesia won a special prize.

The competition is that to 63. Many finalists have won this competition suskses of their work ever ditampilakan in this event. "Every year, as I can remember, 20 percent of students who come to the Intel ISEF has filed patent applications, and this year, 25 percent have had a patent it," said Wendy Hawkins, executive director of Intel Corporation Intel Foundation.

To stimulate entrepreneurial interest of the participants, the organizers deliberately bring Benjamin Gulak, CEO & Chairman BPG-Werks, as the keynote speaker at the opening ceremony last Monday. Gulak is famous for creating The Uno, environmentally friendly electric-powered vehicle that resembles a unicycle (one-wheeled bicycle) motor. Gulak three-time finalist ISEF competition, namely 2004, 2006, and 2007. Gulak share the recipe of what the teens need to know to become successful entrepreneurs in the future.

Another example is Amy Chyao has succeeded, who won the competition in 2010 at age 15. He developed cancer treatment and now the work can be used.

"We support the ISEF to support the millions of young innovators around the world muwujdkan their curiosity," says Wendy. "The participants who gathered in Pittsburgh have pontensi to contribute in solving some pressing global problems."

While Presesiden SSP Director, Elizabeth Marincola, says, "ISEF provides teens an opportunity for scientists from around the world to share ideas and showcase their science projects. This program will help future generations find new solutions in the face of global challenges."

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